# Child loggers

Let's assume we want to have `"module":"foo"` added to every log within a
module `foo.js`.

To accomplish this, simply use a child logger:

'use strict'
// imports a pino logger instance of `require('pino')()`
const parentLogger = require('./lib/logger')
const log = parentLogger.child({module: 'foo'})

function doSomething () {
  log.info('doSomething invoked')

module.exports = {

## Cost of child logging

Child logger creation is fast:

benchBunyanCreation*10000: 564.514ms
benchBoleCreation*10000: 283.276ms
benchPinoCreation*10000: 258.745ms
benchPinoExtremeCreation*10000: 150.506ms

Logging through a child logger has little performance penalty:

benchBunyanChild*10000: 556.275ms
benchBoleChild*10000: 288.124ms
benchPinoChild*10000: 231.695ms
benchPinoExtremeChild*10000: 122.117ms

Logging via the child logger of a child logger also has negligible overhead:

benchBunyanChildChild*10000: 559.082ms
benchPinoChildChild*10000: 229.264ms
benchPinoExtremeChildChild*10000: 127.753ms

## Duplicate keys caveat

It's possible for naming conflicts to arise between child loggers and
children of child loggers.

This isn't as bad as it sounds, even if the same keys between
parent and child loggers are used, Pino resolves the conflict in the sanest way.

For example, consider the following:

const pino = require('pino')
  .child({a: 'property'})
  .child({a: 'prop'})

$ cat my-log

Notice how there's two key's named `a` in the JSON output. The sub-childs properties
appear after the parent child properties.

At some point the logs will most likely be processed (for instance with a [transport](transports.md)),
and this generally involves parsing. `JSON.parse` will return an object where the conflicting
namespace holds the final value assigned to it:

$ cat my-log | node -e "process.stdin.once('data', (line) => console.log(JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(line))))"

Ultimately the conflict is resolved by taking the last value, which aligns with Bunyans child logging

There may be cases where this edge case becomes problematic if a JSON parser with alternative behavior
is used to process the logs. It's recommended to be conscious of namespace conflicts with child loggers,
in light of an expected log processing approach.

One of Pino's performance tricks is to avoid building objects and stringifying
them, so we're building strings instead. This is why duplicate keys between
parents and children will end up in log output.