# Contributing **`README.md` is a generated file. Do not edit it directly.** Edit the files inside `.README` instead. ## Pre-Commit Hook When making a commit, the following Pre-Commit hooks run: * test and documentation checks * tests * lint * commit message validation (see "Commit Messages" below) ## Commit Messages All commit messages must begin with one of the following prefixes: * `fix: ` * `feat: ` * `refactor: ` * `docs: ` * `chore: ` The prefix is used to bump the correct segment of the version number during the automatic release. ## Tests Run them with `npm test`. ## Lint Run with `npm run lint`. ## Adding a Rule ### Source & Tests 1. Create a file in `tests/rules/assertions` named the `camelCase` version of your rule name with the following template: * `export default { invalid: [], valid: [] }` 2. Add your test file to `tests/rules/index.js` 3. Create a file in `src/rules` named the `camelCase` version of your rule name 4. Add your rule file to `src/index.js` ### Adding Documentation 1. Create new file in `./.README/rules/[rule-name].md`. * Use [./.README/rules/require-valid-file-annotation.md](./.README/rules/require-valid-file-annotation.md) as a template. * Ensure that rule documentation document includes `` declaration. 1. Update [./.README/README.md](/.README/README.md) to include the new rule. 1. Run `npm run create-readme` to generate the new `README.md` (you must be on `master` branch for this command to work) Note: Sections "The following patterns are considered problems:" and "The following patterns are not considered problems:" are **generated automatically** using the test cases.