# real-require [](https://npm.im/real-require) [](https://libraries.io/npm/real-require) [](https://github.com/pinojs/real-require/actions?query=workflow%3ACI) Keep require and import consistent after bundling or transpiling. ## Installation Just run: ```bash npm install real-require ``` ## Usage The package provides two drop-ins functions, `realRequire` and `realImport`, which can be used in scenarios where tools like transpilers or bundlers change the native `require` or `await import` calls. The current `realRequire` functions only handles webpack at the moment, wrapping the `__non_webpack__require__` implementation that webpack provides for the final bundle. ### Example ```js // After bundling, real-require will be embedded in the bundle const { realImport, realRequire } = require('real-require') /* By using realRequire, at build time the module will not be embedded and at runtime it will try to load path from the local filesytem. This is useful in situations where the build tool does not support skipping modules to embed. */ const { join } = realRequire('path') async function main() { // Similarly, this make sure the import call is not modified by the build tools const localFunction = await realImport('./source.js') localFunction() } main().catch(console.error) ``` ## Contributing See [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md) ## License Copyright Paolo Insogna and real-require contributors 2021. Licensed under the [MIT License](http://www.apache.org/licenses/MIT).