# AD-Deutsche Interactive Overrides Static editorial content for Ad-Deutsche ## Instructions All files added to the `public` directory will be deployed to an AWS S3 bucket. These should ideally be organized by project. Example: [public/example-project/index.html](public/example-project/index.html) HTML files should _not_ have any wrapping `html`, `head`, or `body` tags, and should only contain the contents of the body. This will be inserted into a consuming application like Verso. ## Deployment This repository has separate `master` and `production` branches. Any code merged into these branches will be deployed to an equivalent S3 bucket. A corresponding Jenkins job will poll GitHub for changes. The timing of the polling can be adjusted as needed. By default, all changes on `master` are deployed to staging. Production deploys require changes to be merged from `master` into the `production` branch. ### Jenkins Jobs - staging: [ad-de-interactive-override-stag](https://jenkins.conde.io/view/AD/job/ad-de-interactive-override-stag/) - production: [ad-de-interactive-override-prod](https://jenkins.conde.io/view/AD/job/ad-de-interactive-override-prod/) ### Example Project - staging: https://interactive-stag.ad-magazin.de/example-project/index.html - production: https://interactive.ad-magazin.de/example-project/index.html