# sitemap settings template: sitemap.twig xml_template: sitemap_xml.twig ignore: [] # Name of this sitemap. Can be used to create a sub-sitemap loaded somewhere else sitemap_name: sitemap # Url of the sitemap to embed into the html head of all pages. # false - dont embed link # true - automatically use url of this Bolt's root plus 'sitemap.xml' (not the configured sitemap name!) # url(string) - use specified url sitemap_link: true ## ignore by "slug" of contenttype ignore_contenttype: - contacts - infos ignore_taxonomytype: [tags,categories,brands,customers,areas] ## listing routes (contenttype_slug: route_name) #listing_routes: # pages: custom_pages_route ## ignore listing templates ignore_listing: true ## ignore images (by default the sitemap contains links to images) ignore_images: true # Do you need hydrated records? This can have severe performance impacts! hydrate: false ## when ignore_listing is not = true: listings templates may not exist yet may contain child pages. ## add path will keep listing visible in tree but remove its link. #remove_link: # - /pages