{% extends 'partials/_master.twig' %} {% block main %}
{# This template is used for 'listings': Generic pages that list a number of records from a certain contenttype. These records are available as an array called 'records'. In the for-loop below, we iterate over the records that are on this page. It can be used for overview pages like 'all entries', or 'all records tagged with kittens'. #} {# If used for listing a taxonomy, we add a heading.: #} {% if taxonomytype is defined %}

{{ __('general.phrase.overview-for') }} {% if taxonomy.options[slug] is defined %} {{ taxonomy.options[slug] }} {% else %} {{ slug }} {% endif %}

{# Taxonomies are fetched unordered by design except if 'has_sortorder' is set to true. This way we keep 'grouping' intact in the listing. #} {% if not taxonomy.has_sortorder %} {# If we specified an order in config.yml, sort them here, accordingly: #} {% set records = records|order(config.get('general/listing_sort')) %} {% endif %}
{% else %}


{% endif %} {% for record in records %}

{{ record.title }}

{# display something introduction-like.. #} {% if record.introduction %} {{ record.introduction }} {% elseif record.teaser %} {{ record.teaser }} {% else %}

{{ record.excerpt(300, false, search|default('')) }}

{% endif %} {% include 'partials/_record_meta.twig' with {'extended': true} %}
{% if record.image is not empty %}
{{ popup(record.values.image, 480, 320) }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}

{{ __('general.phrase.no-content-found') }}

{{ __("Unfortunately, no content could be found. Try another page, or go to the homepage.", {'%paths_root%': path('homepage')} ) }}

{% endfor %} {# If there are more records than will fit on one page, the pager is shown. #} {{ pager(template = 'partials/_sub_pager.twig') }}
{% endblock main %}