{% extends 'partials/_master.twig' %} {% block main %}
{% if record.image is not empty %}
{{ record.values.image.alt|default() }}
{{ record.values.image.title|default() }}
{% endif %}

{{ record.title }}

{% include 'partials/_record_meta.twig' with {'extended': true} %} {# Output all fields, in the order as defined in the contenttype. To change the generated html and configure the options, see: https://docs.bolt.cm/templating #} {% with { 'record': record, 'extended': true, 'repeaters': true, 'blocks': true } %} {{ block('sub_fields', 'partials/_sub_fields.twig') }} {% endwith %} {# Uncomment this if you wish to dump the entire record to the client, for debugging purposes. {{ dump(record) }} #} {{ include('partials/_recordfooter.twig', { 'record': record, 'extended': true }) }}
{% include "partials/_sub_recent_records.twig" %} {% endblock main %}