# Optional config file for the theme. # Variables that are in this file, can be used in your twig template like {{ theme.foo }} # Template filenames. If you're creating a theme for distribution, you can specify # the filenames of the templates here. The templates you will set in this config # file will override the ones in the global app/config/config.yml, so beware! # maintenance_template: maintenance_default.twig # homepage_template: index.twig # record_template: record.twig # listing_template: listing.twig # search_results_template: search.twig # notfound: not-found.twig # Optional overrides. These override the ones in config.yml, but can be set in # either place. # taxonomy_sort: DESC # homepage: page/1 # listing_sort: datepublish DESC # listing_records: 6 # search_results_records: 10 # Aliases can be set to restrict images to a specific set of available # resolutions or to decouple image sizes from template files. thumbnails: aliases: myimageformat: size: [400,300] cropping: crop