PHAR Utils ========== PHAR file format utilities, for when PHP phars you up. Installation ------------ `composer require seld/phar-utils` API --- ### `Seld\PharUtils\Timestamps` - `__construct($pharFile)` > Load a phar file in memory. - `updateTimestamps($timestamp = null)` > Updates each file's unix timestamps in the PHAR so the PHAR signature > can be produced in a reproducible manner. - `save($path, $signatureAlgo = '')` > Saves the updated phar file with an updated signature. > Algo must be one of `Phar::MD5`, `Phar::SHA1`, `Phar::SHA256` > or `Phar::SHA512` ### `Seld\PharUtils\Linter` - `Linter::lint($pharFile)` > Lints all php files inside a given phar with the current PHP version. Requirements ------------ PHP 5.3 and above License ------- PHAR Utils is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details