Change Log ========== 1.1.0 ----- This release introduces a deprecation notice for `slugify()`, please update your code. * Added a cryptographically secure random string function `secure_random_string`. Thanks to @abhimanyusharma003 via [Pull Request #53]( * Added `limit_characters` and `limit_words` functions. Thanks to @abhimanyusharma003 via [Pull Request #55]( * Added `rmdir` method to recursively delete a directory. Thanks to @ARACOOOL via [Pull Request #56]( * Added `set_executable`, `set_readable`, `set_writable`, `directory_size`, `directory_contents` and `get_user_dir` functions. Thanks to @sergserg via [Pull Request #70]( * Changed parameter ordering for `slugify`, `$css_mode` is now the third argument. For backwards compatibility, the old order will still work but it will generate an `E_USER_DEPRECATED` warning. Thanks to @abhimanyusharma003 via [Pull Request #71]( * Added `match_string` method. Thanks to @abhimanyusharma003 via [Pull Request #72]( * Renamed internal methods (protected ones) for PSR-2 compliance * General performance improvements, code quality improvements, and increased unit test coverage (special thanks to @hopeseekr for getting us near 100% coverage) 1.0.7 ----- * Added `fix_broken_serialization` to fix broken serialized strings (Thanks to @hopeseekr via [Pull Request #48]( * Fixed `get_current_url` appending port 80 or 443 when not needed (Thanks to @scottchiefbaker via [Pull Request #49]( * `var_dump` can now handle recursive data structures without crashing * `var_dump` code was minified and cleaned up * `array_flatten` was optimized (thanks to @hopeseekr via [Pull Request #47]( * `remove_accents` was completely rewritten and is now ~4x faster 1.0.6 ----- * Added `start_with` function * Added `ends_with` function * Added `str_contains` function * Added `str_icontains` function * Added `get_file_ext` function * Fixing permissions on the files & directories * Fixing a bug with the include path of util.php 1.0.5 ----- * [Issue #29]( Fixed error in `var_dump` if mbstring extension wasn't present * Adding Composer support * Updating license from GPL to MIT * Adding Changelog to project * Bumping minimum version to PHP 5.3.3 1.0.4 ----- * [Issue #22]( Removed all superglobal *_get functions, you can use the modified array_get now * [Issue #22]( Modifed the behaviour of `array_get`, see documentation * [Pull Request #21]( Added multibyte support to html* functions * [Issue #9]( Removed the `str_to_utf8` function * [Issue #3]( Removed the `absint` function * Removed declare() from util.php to avoid errors * Updated PHPUnit tests to use PHPUnit 3.6 1.0.3 ----- * [Issue #16]( Improved performance of `slugify` * [Issue #14]( Modified the regex for `seems_utf8` to be more accurate * [Issue #13]( Changed `validate_email` to be wrapper for `filter_var` * Added 'ok' to the list of yes words for `str_to_bool` * `str_to_bool` matches no followed by any number of 'o's 1.0.2 ----- * [Issue #12]( `get_current_url` now includes the port and user/password if required * [Issue #11]( `human_time_diff` now uses the DateTime functions * [Issue #10]( `is_https` no longer checks the port as well 1.0.1 ----- * [Issue #7]( Added the `$trust_proxy_headers` parameter to `get_client_ip` * [Issue #6]( Removed `is_isset` as the function did not work as intended * [Issue #6]( Removed `is_empty` as it is redundant, use ! with function calls instead * Fixed a bug with `get_gravatar` 1.0.0 ----- * Initial release of util.php.