# Bold Health Checks This extension provides a url that displays the status of a list of checks. It can be used by external monitoring tools like Nagios or Cabot to check the health of a Bolt instance. * **Endpoint** https://mywebsite.de/health/check * **Ascii only** to make regex evaluation easier https://mywebsite.de/health/check?ascii=1 ## Included Checks The extension itself includes a list of basic checks. * **Cron Check** Check if the cron jobs of Bolt have been executed * **Database Check** Check if the database schema needs to be updated * **Timed Publishing** Check if any timed records are overdue for automatic publishing ## Configuration The extension can be configured in `app/config/extensions/health.cnd.yml` * **restricted-ips** Either an array of allowed ip adresses or false to allow access for everyone ## Adding new Checks Any extension can add new checks to the list of checks being displayed. Create a new Class for your check that follows the `ICheck` interface. ``` offsetExists('cndhealth:service')){ // Add a check $app['cndhealth:service']->addCheck(new MyCheck()); } } } ```