The Image Service Component =========================== This small Application consists of set of Componenets that take cre of certain tasks. - Uploader - Finder - Settings - Globals - Presets - List - List Item - Preview - Attributes - Actions - SirTrevor Extension Start Developing: * npm install Building the modified extension: * ./ The Uploader -------------- Loads Images form the harddisk of the user and fires an Event that an Image has been loaded The Finder -------------- Makes an ajax call to the backend, asking for an image matching a search parameter, and shows a list of possible images for the user to choose. On choosing, the component send an Event that an image has been loaded Settings -------------- The settings componenet show a set of sub components that have an getData method, and register them selves against the settings componenet with an Event-fire. Two components register themselves for the Settings interface. - Globals - Shows a set of attributes that are related to the set of images for this instance - Presets - Shows a set of attributes that will be used to pre-fill the newly uploaded images List ------------- Show a list of ListItems-like Components. Listenes for the event of Image Loaded and creates a new List Item and shows the rendered HTML. The list listens for the Events of Item- DELETED or EXCLUDED List Item ------------- A component generating an HTML for a List item. It has a Preview, Attributes and an Actions part. The Preview and Actions are simple components so far, but will get their own Factories. The Attributes have their own Factory, that generates the right Component based on the provided definitions for the ListItem Factory Sir Trevor Extension ------------ A simple extension that adds a Sir Trevor Component holding the ImageService