# Database setup. The driver can be either 'sqlite', 'mysql' or 'postgres'.
# For SQLite, only the databasename is required. However, MySQL and PostgreSQL
# also require 'username', 'password', and optionally 'host' ( and 'port' ) if the database
# server is not on the same host as the web server.
# If you're trying out Bolt, just keep it set to SQLite for now.
driver: mysql
username: user
password: root
databasename: cngqtechnik
host: localhost
port: 3306
charset: utf8mb4
collate: utf8mb4_unicode_ci
# The name of the website
sitename: Auto und Technik | GQ
payoff: Zukunft ist Einstellungssache
facebook-appid: 173394263397784
- 135988516446064
- 75610648647
- 108707184552
- 356665600650
- 132877266728184
- 135988516446064
- 235112219864509
- 186715118042183
- 294059540656720
- 381706188892924
- 549184391839225
#Only allowed on /plus route because of cache on all other routes
urlpath: '/plus'
# The theme to use. Be sure to copy the {theme_path}/base-2016 folder, and
# change the name here accordingly.
# Don't edit the templates in theme/base-2016, because they _will_ get updated
# in next releases
theme: gq-2018
# The locale that'll be used by the application. If no locale is set the
# fallback locale is 'en_GB'. For available options, see:
# https://docs.bolt.cm/other/locales
# In some cases it may be needed to specify (non-standard) variations of the
# locale to get everything to work as desired.
# This can be done as [nl_NL, Dutch_Netherlands] when specifying multiple
# locales, ensure the first is a standard locale.
locale: de_DE
# Set the timezone to be used on the website. For a list of valid timezone
# settings, see: http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php
# timezone: UTC
# Set maintenance mode on or off.
# While in maintenance mode, only users of level editor or higher can access the
# site.
# All other visitors are presented with a notice that the site is currently
# offline.
# The default template file can be found in /app/theme_defaults/ and overridden
# with this option using your own theme.
# Note: If you've changed the filename, and your changes do not show up on the
# website, be sure to check for a config.ymlfile in your theme's folder.
# If a template is set there, it will override the setting here.
maintenance_mode: false
maintenance_template: maintenance_default.twig
# The hour of the day for the internal cron task scheduler to run daily, weekly,
# monthly and yearly jobs.
# Default: 3 (3 am)
cron_hour: 3
# If your site is reachable under different urls (say, both blog.example.org/
# as well as example.org/), it's a good idea to set one of these as the
# canonical, so it's clear which is the primary address of the site.
# If you include `https://`, it will be included in the canonical urls.
#canonical: example.org
# Bolt can insert a for all pages on the site.
# Note: The location given is relative to the currently selected theme. If
# you want to set the icon yourself, just don't enable the following line.
#favicon: images/favicon-bolt.ico
# The default content to use for the homepage, and the template to render it
# with. This can either be a specific record (like `page/1`) or a listing of
# records (like `entries`). In the chosen 'homepage_template', you will have
# `record` or `records` at your disposal, depending on the 'homepage' setting.
# Note: If you've changed the filename, and your changes do not show up on
# the website, be sure to check for a theme.yml file in your theme's
# folder. If a template is set there, it will override the setting here.
homepage: portal/1
homepage_template: portal.twig
# The default content for the 404 page. Uses the 'record_template' template by
# default.
# Make sure this is set to an existing record, otherwise visitors will get an
# error-page when the request a non-existing page.
# Note 1: The record specified in this parameter must be set to 'published'
# Note 2: If you are logged on, and debug is set to 'true', you will NOT see the
# 404 page!
# Note 3: This may also point to a template without a record, eg 'error404.twig'
notfound: service/error-404-not-found
# The default template and amount of records to use for listing-pages on the
# site.
# Can be overridden for each contenttype and for each record, if it has a
# 'templateselect' field.
# Note: If you've changed the filename, and your changes do not show up on the
# website, be sure to check for a config.yml file in your theme's folder.
# If a template is set there, it will override the setting here.
record_template: record.twig
# The default template and amount of records to use for listing-pages on the
# site.
# Can be overridden for each contenttype.
# Note 1: Sorting on TAXONOMY-pages will give unexpected results, if it has a
# pager.
# If you need sorting on those, make sure you display all the records on one
# page.
# Note 2: If you've changed the filename, and your changes do not show up on the
# website, be sure to check for a config.yml file in your theme's
# folder. If a template is set there, it will override the setting here.
listing_template: listing.twig
listing_records: 6
listing_sort: datepublish DESC
# Because of limitations on how the underlying database queries work, there are
# only two options for sorting on taxonomies. 'ASC' for roughly "oldest first"
# and 'DESC' for roughly 'newest first'.
taxonomy_sort: DESC
# Template for showing the search results. If not defined, uses the settings for
# listing_template and listing_records.
# Note: If you've changed the filename, and your changes do not show up on the
# website, be sure to check for a config.yml file in your theme's folder.
# If a template is set there, it will override the setting here.
search_results_template: search.twig
search_results_records: 20
# Add jQuery to the rendered HTML, whether or not it's added by an extension.
add_jquery: false
# The default amount of records to show on overview pages. Can be overridden
# for each contenttype.
recordsperpage: 10
# Settings for caching in parts of Bolt.
# - config: Caches the parsed .yml files from /app/config. It's updated
# immediately when one of the files changes on disk. There
# should be no good reason to turn this off.
# - templates: Caches rendered templates.
# - request: Caches rendered pages in the configured HTTP reverse proxy
# cache, on GET & HEAD requests.
# By default this is handled by Syfmony HTTP Cache.
# - duration: The duration (in minutes) for the 'templates' and 'request'
# options. default is 10 minutes. Note that the duration is set
# on storing the cache. By lowering this value you will not
# invalidate currently cached items.
# - authenticated: Cache 'templates' and 'request' for logged-on users. In most
# cases you should *NOT* enable this, because it will cause
# side-effects if the website shows different content to
# authenticated users.
# - thumbnails: Caches thumbnail generation.
# - translations: Caches translation files. It is recommend to leave this
# enabled. Only if you develop extensions and work with
# translation files you should turn this off.
config: true
templates: false
request: false
duration: 10
authenticated: false
thumbnails: true
translations: true
# Set 'enabled' to 'true' to log all content changes in the database.
# Unless you need to rigorously monitor every change to your site's content, it
# is recommended to keep this disabled.
enabled: false
# Default settings for thumbnails.
# Quality should be between 0 (horrible, small file) and 100 (best, huge file).
# cropping: One of either crop, fit, borders, resize.
# default_thumbnail: The default size of images, when using
# {{ record.image|thumbnail() }}
# default_image: The default size of images, when using
# {{ record.image|image() }}
# allow_upscale: Determines whether small images will be enlarged to fit
# the requested dimensions.
# browser_cache_time: Sets the amount of seconds that the browser will cache
# images for. Set it to activate browser caching.
# Note: If you change these values, you might need to clear the cache before
# they show up.
default_thumbnail: [ 160, 120 ]
default_image: [ 1000, 750 ]
quality: 80
cropping: crop
notfound_image: gq-2018/assets/images/gq_notfound.png
error_image: gq-2018/assets/images/gq_error.png
save_files: true
allow_upscale: true
exif_orientation: true
only_aliases: false
# browser_cache_time: 2592000
# Define the HTML tags and attributes that are allowed in 'cleaned' HTML. This
# is used for sanitizing HTML, to make sure there are no undesirable elements
# left in the content that is shown to users. For example, tags like `