# cnBolt-Extensions-ImageService
Use image services as replacement for Bolt's image fields.
The service uses different connectors to local or cloud services.
The service contains connectors for
- **Cloudinary** stores images and their attributes on http://cloudinary.com
- **Content** stores images and their attributes inside a configurable contentype in Bolt
- **Shrimp** strores images inside a S3 bucket and uses Condé-Nast Germany's Shrimp service for cropping.
*This service does currently not support tags and will omit them!*
## Installation
1.) Install via composer or bolt's marketplace.
php app/nut extensions:install
If the nut command is not located in the app folder, you could also find it in vendor/bin/nut.
Installing or updating via the Bolt admin interface is also possible but would require the web-server's user to have proper access to the GitHup repository. This is usually not the case.
## Configuration
A new field type `imageservicelist` is available and takes the following configuration parameters:
- **attributes** contains an array of fields similar to Bolt's own fields. Each image will have these fields. (These fields try to mimic the basic bolt fields, but they are custom for this extension!). Availble types are `text`, `textarea`, `checkbox`, `select`.
- **globals** contains an array of fields for the imageservicelist itself. If you use the field as a gallery, this property could store the galleries title or layout.
Add the following field to your content type, where you want to add the extension. E.g. in pages:
name: Pages
singular_name: Page
# Standalone ImageService field
type: imageservicelist
label: CouldImage
globals: &ImageServiceGlobals
type: text
label: Gallery Title
type: select
label: Gallery Layout
sm: Small
lg: Large
attributes: &ImageServiceAttributes
type: text
label: Image Title
type: text
label: Alternative Text
# Type textarea includes a simple HTML edit prugin called Scribe
type: textarea
label: Caption
type: checkbox
label: checkbox
value: 1
Another example on how to configure the imageservicelist as a section inside the structured-content field. (See that extension)
name: Pages
singular_name: Page
# Image Service as a part of Bolt-Structured-Content (SirTrevor)
type: structuredcontentfield
height: 400px
blocks: [Imageservice, Heading, Text, List, Video, Quote]
extend: #block_config
maxFiles: 1
maxFileSize: 20000
globals: *ImageServiceGlobals
attributes: *ImageServiceAttributes
Change the configuration file for this extension according to your needs (created after instalation and first call to bolt)
in app/config/extensions/imageservice.cnd.yml
# A list of all active image services with their class names and config variables
# A sample config for a local content connector that stores images in a bolt contenttype
contentype: images
cache: 60 # number of seconds or false for never cached
delete: true # if true, content object of the image will be deleted. If not, status will only be changed to "held"
path: "imageservice/%year%/%month%" # Taregt folder for uploaded files. Defaults to "%year%/%month%". Allowed placeholders are %year%, %month%
allowed-extensions: [jpeg, jpg, JPG, png, gif]
max-size: 5000000
tagtype: tags # tags on an image will be stored in this taxonomy of bolt
# a sample config for cloudinary that stores all images in cloudinary
cloud-name: my-cloud
api-key: 12345678901234567890
api-secret: myapisecretinmyfabulouscloud
api-base-url: https://api.cloudinary.com/v1_1/my-cloud
base-delivery-url: https://res.cloudinary.com/my-cloud
secure-delivery-url: https://res.cloudinary.com/my-cloud
allowed-extensions: [jpeg, jpg, JPG, png, gif]
max-size: 5000000
unique_filename: true
overwrite: false
folder: false
type: upload
image_metadata: false
colors: false
invalidate: true
# A sample configuration for the Cond�-Nast Shrimp service
class: Bolt\Extension\CND\ImageService\Connector\ShrimpConnector
endpoint: https://shrimp.condenast.de/glamour
key: 1234567890
bucket: my-bucket-shrimp
allowed-extensions: [jpeg, jpg, JPG, png, gif]
max-size: 5000000
region: "eu-west-1"
key: 1234567890
secret: 1234567890
connector: content
mode: limit
format: jpg
quality: 80
options: []
edit: [editor, chief-editor, developer]
view: [everyone]
## Usage
Within your twig template, you may access the imageservice field which comes as an array of image objects.
You can then render ech image of this array either via the `imageservice` filter or with bolt's
own `thumbnail` filter (which is overridden by this extension).
{# take the first image from the field (you could also loop through all of them if you want a gallery #}
{% set image = record.teaserimage.items|first %}
## Filters
The extension provides a imageservice filter. You can also simply keep using the `thumbnail` filter, which
is overridden by this extension.
Normal images of Bolt's native image field will still be redirected to the original `thumbnail` filter.
The filter supports these parameters:
- $width - Desired widths of the image in pixel
- $height - Desired height of the image in pixel
- $mode - Desired cropping mode of the image. Available: scale, fill, pad, limit, fit
- $format - Desired image format. Default: jpg
- $quality - Desired image quality
- $options - array of additional options as supported by your used connector
## Crop modes
The connectors should support these crop modes:
- scale - Resize exactly to the given width and height without retaining aspect ratio.
- limit - Resize inside given width and height and retain aspect ratio. Only if original is larger than target!
- fill - Resize exactly to the given width and height and retain aspect ratio, cropping the image if necessary.
- fit - Resize inside given width and height and retain aspect ratio.
- pad - Resize exactly to the given width and height and retain aspect ratio, padding the image if necessary.
# Vendor libraries
The folder vendor contains libraries from various image services like Cloudinary. These folders are not
managed by any automatism like composer and need to be updated manually.
# Tech Notes
The extension makes a copy of the save button, in order to make sure that, that images will be saved
as a first thing on saving. If the event needs to be cancelled, e.g. by problem on saving, the saving of the
article must be abandoned as well. No better way found to deal with the events.
If the field is needed as a single file upload, one should set the maxFiles property on 1.
The forntend does not allow the creation on new Images of different service types. That is why the
images of different services can only be managed in separate fields.
The ImageServiceField type is surrently untested and possibly unmaintained. We suggest to use the
ImageServiceListField with maxFiles set to 1.