# cnKrakenSDK PHP sdk to connect client applications to the Kraken service ## Usage Install the package into your PHP application ``` composer require cnd/kraken-sdk ``` ## PHP Sdk You can write a simple Provider for you silex-like app that registers the kraken services. You will need to provide a ppublic/private rsa key-pair of your application. ``` get('auth.key-private'); $publicKeyPath = $app['config']->get('auth.key-public'); $service->setPrivateKey($privateKeyPath); $service->setPublicKey($publicKeyPath); return $service; }; $app['kraken'] = function ($app) { $config = $app['config']->get('kraken') ?? []; return new KrakenService($app['kraken.auth'], $config); }; } } ``` The Kraken Service has one method ath moment. The findBy method. ``` findBy(array $filters, int $limit = 100, int $offset = 0, array $order = []) ```